Computational Science and Engineering requirements at Physics
Computational Science and Engineering is an interdisciplinary specialization program for the graduate students in which many departments across colleges and schools at Purdue participates. Physics graduate students seeking this specialization have degree requirements that are slightly different from those of the fellow physics students not seeking this specialization.
Namely, they need to satisfy both the CSE's own requirements (see CSE website for these) and the physics department's requirements. Please note that there are higher GPA requirements among the CSE's own requirements than that required by the standard phyiscs programs. The latter (physics department's requirements) have also been modified from the standard physics programs to suit the CSE students' needs better as follows:
MS degrees (thesis or non-thesis option):
The 6 credits of mathematics courses normally required can be replaced by appropriately selected CSE (core or non-core) courses.
Ph.D. Degrees:
Of the 3 specialty courses required, 2 can be substituted for by appropriately chosen CSE core courses.
In these requirements, the judgment of appropriateness of the selection of CSE courses is left to the respective degree advisory committee and ultimately to the CSE Graduate Committee. The department's CSE representative must initial the plan of study to signify the preliminary approval by the CSE program and the plan must then be copied to the CSE program office for final approval.