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Available Research Assistantship Positions

To learn about any of these research opportunities, please contact the PI directly.

NameResearch AreaDate Posted
Manfra, MichaelResearch area: MBE growth and fabrication of devices to explore topological phases relevant to quantum computing2023-09-15
Manfra, MichaelResearch area: measurement of devices exploring anyonic braiding statistics at low temperatures and high magnetic fields2023-09-15
Neumeister, NorbertResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics (LHC data analysis)2023-07-19
Pushkar, YuliaBiophysics, X-ray spectroscopy, and laser spectroscopy (sponsored by NSF)2023-07-20
Wang, FuqiangExp. heavy ion physics (STAR data analysis). Analyze STAR experiment data at Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider/Brookhaven National Lab., pertinent to the topological structure of the physical vacuum and the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the Universe.2023-09-15
Xie, WeiExperimental heavy ion physics (CMS data analysis). Analyze heavy-ion data from the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. The focus is on probing quark gluon plasma using heavy flavor probes.2023-09-15
Lyanda-Geller, YuliCondensed Matter Theory. Theory of topological phenomena relevant to quantum computing. Quantum Hall effect, Superconductivity. Mesoscopic physics, transport, and optical phenomena in new materials.2023-09-15
Jones, MatthewHigh Energy Physics Experiment: Analysis of top and bottom quark decays using data collected with the CMS experiment and contributions to the international CMS tracking detector upgrade project for the High-Luminosity LHC.2023-09-15
Hung, Chen-LungExperimental studies of quantum many-body physics using ultracold atomic gases held in optical lattices2023-09-15
Csathy, GaborTopological materials, flatband systems, semiconductor devices at low temperatures and strong magnetic fields2024-01-15
Malis, Oanacondensed matter experimentalist studying the structure and optical properties of new semiconductor materials for infrared sensing2023-09-15
Jung, AndreasDevelopment and Research on Quantum Algorithms and how these can solve modern societies challenges, as well as to apply those to boost discoveries in particle physics.2024-01-23
Jung, AndreasData analysis of proton-proton collisions at highest achieved energies of 13.6 TeV and search for bound states of top quarks. A PhD student can contribute to research by the group on future detector instrumentation for future colliders2022-02-01
Liu, MiaoyuanMachine learning applications in physics and scientific instrumentations; data analysis and advanced computing in CMS/fixed target experiments; semiconductor tracking device testing2024-01-22
Rokhinson, LeonidCondensed matter experiment: development of a new platform to realize topological superconductors with high-order non-Abelian excitations2023-09-15
Rokhinson, LeonidCondensed matter experiment: fabrication and measurement of hybrid topological insulator/superconductor devices with a goal to demonstrate Majorana fermions and non-Abelian statistics (part of a larger Quantum Science Center effort)2023-09-15
Chen, YongOptical studies of quantum materials2024-01-23
Shivaram, NiranjanExperimental studies of ultrafast quantum dynamics in molecules and materials on femtosecond and attosecond time scales; extreme-ultraviolet high harmonic generation; generation of entangled 2023-09-15
Liang, Qi-Yu (Grace)Experimental studies of Rydberg quantum optics; Sub-wavelength arrays of ultracold atoms as a new light-matter interface for quantum information processing and quantum networks2024-01-23
Durbin, StephenQuantum x-ray optics: generating entangled x-ray beams for probing entangled materials”2023-09-15
Elliott, DanExperimental atomic physics: precision spectroscopic measurements relevant to studies of the weak-force interaction in atomic cesium2024-01-22
Nolte, DavidImmediate opening for a position in experimental coherent light scattering research.2024-01-23
Koltick, DavidIndirect Search for Dark Matter - Matter interactions producing neutrons at 1.4 km underground using He-3 detectors. The research is focused on cosmic ray interactions and propagation simulations. The experiment is now taking data.2023-07-18
Koltick, DavidDirect and Indirect Searches for Lepton Flavor Violation through two body Muon decay to an electron and an axion, heavy neutrino, dark matter particle, or a light weak boson. The experiment is at Fermilab.2023-07-18
Savikhin, SergeiTwo Positions: Quantum Biophysics: (i) ultrafast spectroscopy of photosynthetic proteins, (ii) quantum mechanical modeling of pigment-protein complexes.2023-09-15
Neumeister, NorbertStudy of rare Higgs decays using deep learning techniques (LHC data analysis).2023-07-19
Hood, JonathanLaser assembly and cooling of LiCs molecules2023-09-15
Hood, JonathanQuantum optics with organic molecules2023-09-15
Hung, Chen-LungAtom-nanophotonics integration for many-body quantum optics and quantum information2024-01-22
Hung, Chen-LungAtom-nanophotonics integration for many-body quantum optics and quantum metrology2024-01-22
Alaeian, HadisehExploring quantum nonlinear optics and neuromorphics with Rydberg excitons2024-01-22
Du, ShengwangQuantum Networks and Distributed Quantum Computing with Photons and Atoms (AMO Physics)2024-02-28
Liu, JingThis collaborative NSF-funded project aims to understand the role of intra-cellular forces in cell migration. New imaging methods will be combined with novel mathematical approaches to model the cell migration.2024-03-20
Zhu, TiancongExploring correlated and topological phases in moire heterostructures with scanning tunneling microscopy (STM)2024-04-01
Zhu, TiancongSynthesizing thin films and heterostructures of novel quantum materials with molecular beam epitaxy (MBE)2024-04-01
Li, TongcangQuantum Optomechanics with Levitated Nanoparticles in Vacuum2024-07-24
Li, TongcangQuantum Sensing with Spin Qubits in 2D Materials2024-07-24
Jung, AndreasAnalysis of gamma ray spectroscopy data & development of ML/AI techniques2024-11-11
Last Updated: May 9, 2023 10:29 AM

Department of Physics and Astronomy, 525 Northwestern Avenue, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2036 • Phone: (765) 494-3000 • Fax: (765) 494-0706

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